Google AdWords v Website SEO

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Best Christchurch Website Designer & Pricing from an Experienced Expert Christchurch Graphic Designer Best Professional Christchurch Logo Designer Clint from XDC.NZ

Hey, I’m Clint.

You’re now in the right place to get the best looking, best performing, awesome business SEO designed (with all the bells and whistles) that you will be proud of, that will yield more website clicks at the Best Graphic Design Prices in Christchurch.

AdWords v SEO?

Cost: you pay for Google AdWords (GAW) – you don’t for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)*.

Results: You get shot-term results with Google AdWords (GAW) – and long-terms results and higher rankings with SEO.

Traffic: GAW generates traffic for of the duration of the campaign – SEO generates traffic continuously (and the history grows for your website).

Display: GAW is a Google-generated Ad (visual Snippet) on the first page of Google’s Search Engine Results page (SERP), (Google’s Page 1) – SEO is the process of optimizing your website data so that your website’s Snippet ranks well on Google’s SEPRs through organic (non paid) searches and uses your website’s data to generated that Snippet/Ad).

Placement: Google AdWords (GAW) can place ads in search results and on other Google-owned and partner websites – SEO placement is only in search results from  the business’s website (as keywords hidden (metadata) and visible (page content)).

Cost for Clicks: On GAW you pay when people click on your Ad listing – SEO doesn’t cost you anything when someone clicks on your Ad listing.

Time: Track analytics and ROI instantly with GAW – Tracking analytics and ROI will take time with SEO (preferred organic results).

Many marketers use marketing methods like Google AdWords and SEO to help drive traffic and leads for their business or to their website. Many companies don’t know which strategies will bring them the best results when first planning a marketing campaign or website build. Many companies don’t even know what GAW or SEO is! When you look at Google AdWords v SEO you may wonder which is better for your business? Which strategy is best for your business? What is best for your website? Which will get more Clicks to their website? Which will Convert more prospects?

To explain more about this “Dark Art” call Clint today on 021 1144014 for a free one hour meeting.

How do you get on the first page of Google’s SERPs (Google’s Search Engine Return) pages, using Google’s AdWords or SEO?

Being on the first page of Google means, more traffic, more conversions and higher revenue.
But what strategy to choose?

SEO involves optimizing your website and its content so that it appears higher on the Search Engine Results page (SERP) and usually is a one-off payment to get your website sorted up front to do this. *Set and forget, as SEO grows your website for free (organic traffic). Whenever users conduct a search, the search engine matches their query with relevant web pages, hopefully yours is ranked the highest. To help your page appear in relevant search results (Google’s Page 1)), you must use optimization techniques, like keyword integration and internal linking. A well-optimized page will generate traffic for your site, which will increase your conversions and sales. Google determines your rank based on a massive variety of factors.

Whereas you set a daily budget for Google’s AdWords for someone to click on your displayed Ad (you bid and pay for Keywords so that your Ad appears in front of potential customers to click on, on Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP)). Effectively using your website’s SEO’s Keywords. Whatever the customer types in to find what they are looking for should also appear in your website data and therefor rank your website higher to appear on the SERP, with all those Google Ads on top of that result. Hopefully your Snippet (a display ad of what Google sees using your website’s SEO) is first.

Improvements to SEO can help your website rank higher on Google’s (SERPs) by making it more relevant to users, and rank your website organically higher, while Google AdWords (Pay Per Click (PPC)) ads are paid online advertisements which allow businesses and website owners like you to bid on the “chance” to show an ad next to searches on Googles Page 1.

So if you’re serious about getting your products, services, and business found these days, knowing the ins and outs of solid SEO isn’t just a good idea  – It’s an absolute must.

After all, even local consumers who prefer to do their buying in person use the internet to research their purchasing decisions and evaluate their available options these days.

Having a robust web presence and a highly visible website is everything in such an internet-centric world, so a high Google search ranking is key.

The vast majority of Google users don’t even bother clicking past page 1 of a SERP, and an astonishing 25 percent click on the very first link on a SERP.

That said, the higher you can rank for your chosen key terms, the better your chances of getting found by exactly the people out there looking for you.

The following first-page SEO tips can help you get where you need to be.

  • Develop a mastery of long-tail keywords
  • Create next-level content
  • Explore different content formats
  • Target Google SERP features
  • Focus heavily on user experience
  • Learn from your competition
  • Make your site fast and responsive
  • Earn quality backlinks
  • Stay on top of your key metrics
  • Build a powerful brand (this is SEO & Graphic Design of you website)

Confused or want to get your business on Page 1?!

To explain more about this “Dark Art” call Clint today on 021 1144014 for a free one hour meeting.